Create Company in SAP | Define Company
The SAP system allows you to define your organization. At the country, sector, or continental level, a company is an independent organizational entity that must consolidate data from two or more business codes. You create consolidated financial statements for a group company based on the needs of the company.
To create a company code in SAP, follow the steps below :
Transaction code (T.Code) : OX15
Navigation Path : SPRO-->Sap Reference IMG-->Enterprise Structure-->Definition-->Financial Accounting-->Define Company
Step 1 : Enter SPRO in the SAP commend area as shown below.
Double click on SAP Reference IMG
Step 2 : Expand Enterprise Structure--> Expand Definition-->Expand Financial Accounting-->Click on Define Company follow below image
Step 4 : Click on "New Entries"
Step 5 : Update the following Fields
Company : In SAP, enter a key that identifies the company group. In our situation, we updated "LU07" in order to create a new company.
Company Name : Latest Updates
Detailed Information
Street : M Colony
Postal Code : 531033
City : Vizag
Country : India
Language Key : EN
Currency : INR
Click on save Button.
Step 6 : Click On Create Request
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