Create Purchase Requisition
The following procurement types allow for the creation of purchase requisitions.
- Standard : Purchasing finished goods from the vendor.
- Subcontracting : Delivering raw materials to the vendor and receiving finished goods.
- Consignment : Purchasing materials and paying vendors for those that are held on the company's property.
- Stock transfer : Stock transfers simply involve moving products from one plant to another storage facility, from one plant to another plant.
- External service : Obtaining services from a third-party vendor, such as maintenance.
Steps to Create Purchase Requisition
Transaction code (T.Code) : ME51N
Method One to Open Purchase Requisition Enter ME51N in the SAP commend area as shown below.
Method Two to Open Purchase Requisition shown below Image.
Navigation Path : SAP Menu-->Logistics-->Material Management-->Purchasing-->Purchase Requisition-->Click on ME51N-Create
- Material : 000000000150000330
- Plant : LU1
- Quantity : 100 KG
- Material Group : LU0R
- Storage Location : VSKP
- Purchasing Group : LU7
Click Enter & Click on Check Button
Step 2 : Click on Save Button
Successfully Created Purchase Requisition :)
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