D365 finance and operations interview questions and answers
Many organisations ask similar questions during their technical phase of interviews, so I've included some interview questions and answers from Dynamics 365 F and O Technical in this blog. This will be really useful if you are going to a D365 Technical interview. This page can be used as a quick reference for interviews. Also, attempt to pass along these questions and answers to friends and co-workers who are preparing for D365 interviews.
01. In D365, what are Delete Actions ?
There are four different types of Delete Actions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations.
I. None.
II. Cascade.
III. Restricted.
IV. Cascade + Restricted
I. None
Delete Action will be disabled, as the name implies. In this situation, nothing happens on the associated table when you delete records from the table.
II. Cascade
The delete procedure in Tables can be extended by setting the Delete Action property to Cascade. The Cascade Delete action deletes all records in related tables whose primary key is the same as the parent table's primary key. This means that deleting a record from the parent database deletes all child records from the child table when the parent table's primary key matches the child table's foreign key without warning.
III. Restricted
In this scenario, the system examines whether any linked records exist in the related child tables before deleting a record from the parent table, and if they do, a warning message is generated. Only if the remove operation is performed via the user interface will this warning message appear. If you delete using X++ code, only the records from the child table will be deleted.
IV. Cascade + Restricted
In this situation, there will be a warning when removing a record from the parent table, and deleting the record from the parent table will also delete the relevant child records from the child table.
02. In Dynamics 365, what are SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Reports ?
The SSRS report is used by Microsoft Dynamics 365FO users for business reporting. Microsoft Dynamics 365's SSRS reporting tool is one of the most important features available to users. This SSRS report will assist users in obtaining accurate data on business processes and transactions.
03. In D365, what is the difference between Package and Model ?
A model is a combination of elements, such as metadata and source files, that make up a distributable software solution and include customizations of an existing one.
Any type of customization necessitates the creation of a model. A model is an idea that is created at the time of design. Multiple Visual Studio projects can be contained in a single model. As a result, it can be described as a collection of projects, with each project containing all or a subset of the original model's elements. However, a project can only be associated with one model. It's essentially a development/customization unit. Model metadata is saved locally in an XML file known as a descriptor XML.
A Package is a container that may be deployed. It includes XML source files, resources, and DLLs. It's similar to D365's Model shop. One or more models can be included in a bundle. Packages can refer to other packages in the same way that.NET assemblies can refer to one other. You can generate a deployable package from one or more packages, which can be used to migrate code from one environment to another. Packages are kept in the c:packages directory. Under the package folder, a new sub folder will be generated for each model.
04. In D365, what are the various types of Menu Items ?
In Dynamics 365 F&O, there are primarily three sorts of menu items available:
Display Menu Item
When a menu item will open a form, use the Display Menu Item type.
Item in the Output Menu
When the menu item will open an SSRS report, use this type.
Item on the Action Menu
When the menu item will run a batch task, use this type. Alternatively, another process, such as one controlled by a class, might be used.
05. What are the steps for importing and exporting a model ?
Export Model
Util.exe -export -metadatastorepath=[metadata store path] -modelname=[name of the exported model] -outputpath=[folder in which the model file should be saved] ModelUtil.exe -export -metadatastorepath=C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory -modelname="Latestupdates07" -outputpath=c:\temp
Import Model
Util.exe -import -metadatastorepath=[path to the metadata store containing the model to be imported] -file=[full path to the import file] ModelUtil.exe -export -metadatastorepath=C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory -modelname="Latestupdates07" -outputpath=c:\temp
06. What exactly is ConView() ?
This is a global class method for retrieving or displaying a form with a tree-like visual representation of a container. If the _lookup option was true, a form containing a visual representation of a container was returned; otherwise, null.
07. What is the definition of multiple inheritance ?
A class can have several superclasses and inherit features from all of its parent classes, which is known as multiple inheritance.
08. How do you define a budget cycle ?
The amount of time a budget is used is defined as a budget cycle. Budget cycles also encompass parts of a fiscal year or many fiscal years, such as a two-year biennial budget cycle or a three-year triennial budget cycle.
09. What exactly is the COC (Chain of Command)?
We usually utilised COC in D365 to develop the extension of Protected access specified class, but COC may also be used for public classes.
We used the keyword Extension of for the extension (). To declare the class, we utilise the keyword final. To invoke the base class methods, we utilise the term next.
10. What is the distinction between AX2012 and D365FO ?
- AX12 uses a local server, whereas D365 is entirely cloud-based software.
- Overlaying is used in AX12, whereas overriding or extension is used in D365.
- Power BI is available in D365 but not in AX12.
- D365 employs the concept of the Chain of Command.
11. In Ax, how many different types of reports are there ?
In AX, there are two types of reports
- Query-based reports &
- RDP reports.
12. Which classes are used in the RDP report ?
- RDP Class
- Contract Class
- Controller Class
13. Where can we find all of the AOT elements in the D365FO Visual Studio IDE ?
Visual Studio IDE > View > Application Explorer
14. What are the main components of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations ?
The General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Inventory modules are the main components of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. These modules work together to provide businesses with a complete financial management solution.
15. What exactly is an index in D365 FO ?
An index is a table-specific database structure that facilitates row retrieval from a table. Indexes are used to improve data retrieval performance and, on occasion, to ensure the existence of unique records.
Indexes are classified as unique or non-unique. Allow duplicates defines whether an index is unique. When set to No, a unique index is created. The unique index is used by the database to ensure that no duplicate key values exist. The database rejects inserts with duplicate key values.
16. What does the term "extension" mean in D365 FO ?
A D365FO object can have new functionality added to it through extensions without having to change the object's source code. Because they no longer want to modify the code base, Microsoft developed the idea of extension. By doing this, Microsoft will find it simpler to update the application code base in the future.
17. Where can we find all of the AOT elements in the D365FO Visual Studio IDE ?
Visual Studio IDE > View > Application Explorer
18. What is the purpose of Dynamics 365 ?
Dynamics 365 is a collection of interconnected, modular Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications and services that are designed to transform and enable your core customers, employees, and business operations. It integrates your data, business logic, and processes, combining CRM and ERP capabilities.
19. Microsoft Dynamics is used by which company ?
Otis Elevator Co., Vanguard, Selective Insurance, Acres Group, Kastle Systems, BTD Manufacturing, and Bio-Techne are among the businesses that utilise Microsoft Dynamics 365.The majority of the mid-sized and small businesses use Dynamics 365.
20. How can we include Fields in an extension ?
- Right-click on the Fields node in the designer, select New, and then select the type of field to add.
- Second, on the Fields node, drag an existing Extended Data Type or Base Enumeration from your project.
21. What are some of the properties that can be customized on existing extended data types (EDTs) via extension ?
- Form help
- Help text
- String size
- Country region codes
- Label
- Decimals
22. What is Interface ?
A contract that classes and structs can implement is an interface. Methods, properties, events, and indexers can all be found in an interface.
23. Explain the concept of extensions in d365fo ?
Without changing the object's base code, an extension allows you to add functionality to D365FO objects. The D365 base system libraries are not included in your extensions' own DLLs, which are independent from them. Furthermore, it makes Microsoft's sys layer code patches simpler. Because Microsoft intends to forbid the overlayering of SYS layer code, they have added the ability for customizations without allowing base code to be altered.
24. What steps are required to create a number sequence?
Steps to Create Number Sequence
1. Create New Model
2. Create Table
3. Create Form
4. Create Menu Items
5. Create Class
6. Create Runnable Class(Job)
7. Run Number Sequence Wizard
8. Click on Generate
9. Click on Next
Successfully Number Sequence Generated
25. How to open AOT in D365 ?
Steps to open AOT in D365
1. Open Visual Studio
2. click on View
3. Click on Application Explorer
Short keys to open AOT
Double tap Ctrl+E
26. How to Create New Model In D365FO ?
Steps to create new model in d365fo
1. Open Visual studio
2. Click on Dynamics 365 menu
3. Pick Model management
4. Select Create model
5. Add Parameters(Model Name, Model Publisher, Model Description.)
6. Select Package
7. Select Required packages
8. click next
Successfully created New Model in D365fo
More interview questions will be posted from time to time, so stay tuned.
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